
Showing posts from February, 2018

What's The Most Helpful Thing A Fellow Woman Has Done To Support You?

Women supporting other women is my permanent vibe. As Madeleine Albright once said, there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other. ABC / Via She's not wrong! Feeling support from other women can go a long way. Like maybe one time, when you were trying to get your side hustle off the ground, a friend sent a few dollars on Venmo that helped your wallet and your outlook on your new venture. NBC / Via Or perhaps when you were going through a tough time, some of the closest women in your life started getting together once a week to give you some stability. Young Money / Via And maybe once, you got a "just 'cause" card from a pal to remind you how awesome you are. New Line Cinema / Via

Which Serial Killer Confession Or Quote Freaks You Out The Most?

Omfg. The actions of serial killers are horrifying, but sometimes what they have to say about their crimes makes them even scarier. Bravo Or when Bundy whispered , “the girl’s head was severed and taken up the road... about 10 yards west of the road on a rocky hillside. Did you hear that?” you were uneasy. Biography Channel Perhaps when Jeffrey Dahmer casually said in an interview, "I didn't feel I [would have] to face what I had done, ever," it sent chills down your spine. MSNBC We know serial killers are terrifying, but we also want to know which confession or quote from one really got to you. FX

Which Movies, Songs, And Other Works Of Art Inspire You To Be Creative?

Gotta get that inspo! We all know it can be hard to get your creative juices flowing... Disney when you're in need of a little inspiration, do you turn to any movies, songs, or works of art, etc? Fox Searchlight Pictures Maybe you're a writer who opens up a classic novel when you need a little boost. TriStar Pictures Or perhaps witnessing the ~MANY~ talents of Donald Glover pushes you to try your best at everything you do. Kevin Winter / Getty Images Maybe you're inspired to pick up a camera every time you experience the vivid storytelling of Wes Anderson. Fox Searchlight Pictures Do you instantly become more driven whenever you blast Beyoncé's Lemonade ? Record Plant Studios Or pull out the old paintbrush once you've gl

Which Fictional Couple Should Have Ended Up Together?

They were supposed to be the OTPs! Chances are, if you love any type of fiction, you ship at least one couple. *inhales deeply* Marvel / Via http:/ But have you ever finished a book, movie, or television show IN TEARS because the couple you were rooting for didn't end up together? Ugghhhhhh! WB / Via Maybe you were a hardcore member of Team Jacob and thought Edward was an overbearing baby. <3 Jake <3 Summit Entertainment Or perhaps you still weep at night thinking about how Sarah and Karl didn't end up together in Love Actually . She deserved better. Universal Pictures Were you traumatized as a child when you read or saw Romeo and Juliet for the first time? WTF, Shakespeare?! 20th Century Fox Or

Tell Us: What Little Thing Made Living In A New Country Easier?

It’s a high-risk, high-reward move. Moving to a new country is one of the most difficult things you could do for yourself. 20th Century Fox But it can also be one of the most exhilarating and life-changing decisions you make in your life. Warner Bros. Television For those who've already gone through it, we want to know: What little thing helped you feel at home in a new country? What helped you feel at home, make new friends, or carve out a routine in a completely new place? @satisfiedcustomer / Via Did you purposefully wander around and get lost? Nothing like a daylong adventure to find your way back home to make some memories. ABC Or did you take language classes that gave you the chance to meet and befriend new locals? Disney Maybe you taught yourself how to prepa

Plan Your Outfits For Spring Break And We'll Give You A Place To Go

Spring break, baby!

Tell Us Your Typical Daily Routine And We'll Reveal If You'd Survive As An Olympic Athlete

If you stay in bed all day, you probably won’t pass this quiz… Click here for more Pyeongchang Winter Olympics content! Charlotte Gomez/BuzzFeed

What's The Weirdest Food You’ve Ever Eaten In America?

Kool-Aid pickles, anyone? America: we love food...even if it's a little ~weird~ at times. grandma_dan / Via Like, have you ever tried a Koolickle — aka a pickle soaked in Kool-Aid? simply_shanika / Via Or how about something more experimental like a tofu scramble breakfast pizza? Kelly Garbato / CC / Via Flickr: smiteme What about, ahem, Rocky Mountain oysters*? Ever eaten one of those?! *deep-fried cattle testicles, fyi. internettapeworm / Via Tell us, we want to know, what's the weirdest food you've ever eaten in America? Paramount Pictures

Make A Sushi Roll And We'll Reveal How Many Kids You'll Have

Just roll with it.

Hey, Makeup Artists, What Are Your Best Makeup Tips?

Share your knowledge! Are you a makeup artist who has a definite list of makeup "do's and don'ts?" Disney Is there one thing that a lot of people do wrong when applying makeup? E! Or is there a little secret you have that would help people do their makeup better? ABC Maybe you even have an amazing product that makes a world of difference when it comes to applying makeup. Fox Whatever it is, please share your secrets with us! Leave your tips via the Dropbox below and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community article! Bravo

Can You Guess How Tall These Winter Olympic Athletes Are?

It’s harder than you think! Click here for more Pyeongchang Winter Olympics content! Charlotte Gomez/BuzzFeed

Has A Documentary Changed You?

*readies the Netflix queue* If you're like me, then you LOOOOVE documentaries. Nickelodeon They can be about anything: wildlife conservation, social justice issues, niche cultures, crimes... ANYTHING. And you love them all! ABC But has there ever been one documentary that especially made you care about or change your perspective on something? Paramount Pictures Like maybe you watched National Geographic's Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric and you finally learned the difference between a transgender woman and a non-binary person, therefore becoming more knowledgable and empathetic. National Geographic Or maybe you watched Food Inc . and felt moved enough to go vegetarian or vegan. Magnolia Home Entertainment Oooooooor perhaps you watched Discovering Bigfoot and

Choreograph A Figure Skating Routine And We'll Reveal If You Won A Medal

Go for the gold. Click here for more Pyeongchang Winter Olympics content! Charlotte Gomez/BuzzFeed

What's The Most Extra Thing You've Done For Your Dog?

Dogs deserve to be spoiled!

What Popular Alcoholic Drink Is Your State Known For?

Every state has one! Different kinds of alcoholic drinks vary all across the US depending on where you live, and we want to know which cocktail is the most popular in your state! Berezka_klo / Getty Images Are you from Texas and believe margaritas are the most popular? Ed-ni-photo / Getty Images Or maybe you're from Nevada and believe Bloody Marys reign supreme. Ryzhkov / Getty Images Or perhaps you're from Arizona and claim Tequila Sunrise as your No. 1 most popular beverage? Bhofack2 / Getty Images