What's The Weirdest Food You’ve Ever Eaten In America?

Kool-Aid pickles, anyone?

America: we love food...even if it's a little ~weird~ at times.

America: we love food...even if it's a little ~weird~ at times.

grandma_dan / Via instagram.com

Like, have you ever tried a Koolickle — aka a pickle soaked in Kool-Aid?

Like, have you ever tried a Koolickle — aka a pickle soaked in Kool-Aid?

simply_shanika / Via instagram.com

Or how about something more experimental like a tofu scramble breakfast pizza?

Or how about something more experimental like a tofu scramble breakfast pizza?

Kelly Garbato / CC / Via Flickr: smiteme

What about, ahem, Rocky Mountain oysters*? Ever eaten one of those?!

What about, ahem, Rocky Mountain oysters*? Ever eaten one of those?!

*deep-fried cattle testicles, fyi.

internettapeworm / Via instagram.com

Tell us, we want to know, what's the weirdest food you've ever eaten in America?

Tell us, we want to know, what's the weirdest food you've ever eaten in America?

Paramount Pictures


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