Which Movies, Songs, And Other Works Of Art Inspire You To Be Creative?

Gotta get that inspo!

We all know it can be hard to get your creative juices flowing...

We all know it can be hard to get your creative juices flowing...


...so when you're in need of a little inspiration, do you turn to any movies, songs, or works of art, etc?

...so when you're in need of a little inspiration, do you turn to any movies, songs, or works of art, etc?

Fox Searchlight Pictures

Maybe you're a writer who opens up a classic novel when you need a little boost.

Maybe you're a writer who opens up a classic novel when you need a little boost.

TriStar Pictures

Or perhaps witnessing the ~MANY~ talents of Donald Glover pushes you to try your best at everything you do.

Or perhaps witnessing the ~MANY~ talents of Donald Glover pushes you to try your best at everything you do.

Kevin Winter / Getty Images

Maybe you're inspired to pick up a camera every time you experience the vivid storytelling of Wes Anderson.

Maybe you're inspired to pick up a camera every time you experience the vivid storytelling of Wes Anderson.

Fox Searchlight Pictures

Do you instantly become more driven whenever you blast Beyoncé's Lemonade?

Do you instantly become more driven whenever you blast Beyoncé's Lemonade?

Record Plant Studios

Or pull out the old paintbrush once you've glimpsed at a Banksy in your city?

Or pull out the old paintbrush once you've glimpsed at a Banksy in your city?

Jack Taylor / Getty Images


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