What's The Most Shocking Ending You've Ever Seen In A Documentary?

“I killed them all, of course.”

Documentaries can be powerful, intriguing, and downright shocking sometimes — particularly if there's a crazy twist ending!

Documentaries can be powerful, intriguing, and downright shocking sometimes — particularly if there's a crazy twist ending!

Miramax / Via sundancenow.com

Like, do you remember the way your stomach dropped when you heard Robert Durst's ~confession~ at the end of The Jinx?

Like, do you remember the way your stomach dropped when you heard Robert Durst's ~confession~ at the end of The Jinx?


And what about the fact that The Thin Blue Line basically got (wrongfully) convicted killer Randall Dale Adams off death row?!

And what about the fact that The Thin Blue Line basically got (wrongfully) convicted killer Randall Dale Adams off death row?!


Do you remember thinking, "OH SHIT!" when Russian doping mastermind Grigory Rodchenkov was [SPOILER ALERT] put into the witness protection program?!

Do you remember thinking, "OH SHIT!" when Russian doping mastermind Grigory Rodchenkov was [SPOILER ALERT] put into the witness protection program?!


Tell us, what's the most shocking ending or twist you've ever seen in a documentary?

Tell us, what's the most shocking ending or twist you've ever seen in a documentary?



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