How Do People Eat Healthy Where You're From?

We’re so curious.

For many of us, a "healthy meal" basically means a salad.

For many of us, a "healthy meal" basically means a salad.

Loooby / Getty Images

But we know that in many countries or families hailing from anywhere other than the US, that's not the case.

But we know that in many countries or families hailing from anywhere other than the US, that's not the case.

We want to know: What is your native country's example of a "healthy meal"?

AKA, what image comes to mind when someone tells you they're going to eat "something healthy" for lunch or dinner?

If you're from a Nordic country, is it a herring salad with sliced onions and pickled cucumbers?

If you're from a Nordic country, is it a herring salad with sliced onions and pickled cucumbers?

Elena_danileiko / Getty Images

Or is it a moderate serving of pasta with a simple, fresh tomato sauce?

Or is it a moderate serving of pasta with a simple, fresh tomato sauce?

Fcafotodigital / Getty Images

Maybe it's callaloo, a Jamaican dish made by steaming the callaloo leaf?

Maybe it's callaloo, a Jamaican dish made by steaming the callaloo leaf?

Whatever your non-US definition of a "healthy meal" is, we want to know. Tell us in the comments below and your answer could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.

Even better if you can include a picture!


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