
Showing posts from January, 2018

What Did You Judge Parents For Before You Had Kids?

Oh hilarious, naive, childless you. Before becoming a parent, you saw moms and dads do things you knew you would never, ever do when you had your own kids. I mean, you were totally a parenting expert, right? Bravo But after you had kids, you realized that parenting isn't easy, and that sometimes a parent has to do what a parent has to do. Nic / Via Twitter: @nicwinger So we want to know what you judged other parents for before you had kids that you totally wouldn't now. TvLand Maybe you scoffed whenever you saw a kid at the park wearing a backpack safety harness. "It's a child , not a dog!" you'd say to yourself. samanthavsham / Via Or perhaps you totally judged your parent-friend's perpetually messy house. thatsgrossiloveit / Via

Choose Four Disney Characters And We'll Reveal The First Letter Of Your Soulmate's Name

Some people are worth melting for.

Tell Us Your Best Tricks For Cooking Healthier At Home

Don’t keep these tricks to yourself. Cooking at home is the bomb. Not only are groceries way cheaper than eating out or ordering in, but cooking also gives you more control over all the ingredients that go into your meals. Warner Bros But staying health-conscious while cooking can be tricky, especially when you're on a busy schedule. Plan B Entertainment So what are the little tricks and tips you use to make better-for-you home cooked meals? Vevo Maybe you chop all of your vegetables on Sundays so that making salads and stir-fries is a breeze for the rest of the week. Gtty Images Or perhaps you freeze leftover fruits and greens that are going to go bad so you can use them in your morning smoothies. Getty Images Maybe you make healthy soups and stews in bulk, then freeze them in

What Are Your Best Tips For Spending Less Money On Groceries?

Tell us! Grocery shopping can be expensive... $2.50 for an avocado, $10 for chicken breasts — it can really add up. Universal Pictures But with a bit of planning (and a few clever tricks) you can keep that grocery bill down and still get some great groceries. TLC Tricks like avoiding the inner aisles... Because this is where those pricey processed foods are located. Cartoon Network / Via Or buying generic groceries instead of those expensive name-brand varieties... You can't even tell the difference! Comedy Central Or how about checking other stores' prices and asking for a price-match? You'd be surprised by how many stores actually match prices. NBC Something as simple as swapping out canned beans for dried ones can really add up in the

What's Your Favorite Book That Was Adapted Into A Film?

Tell us which novel you loved on the big screen. We're a month into 2018, and if you made a resolution to read more books this year, we're here to help! We put together a special book club to help all of us increase how much we read this year. It's called Page Turners , and each month, we pick a theme, and you get to choose what you want to read and recommend books for other people to read! You can learn more about it here . TriStar Pictures February's theme is: Books that were adapted into movies. Because you can read the book, then watch the movie, then read the book again, then watch the movie again, etc. etc. etc. forever and ever in a perfect, infinite loop. Warner Bros. So tell us your favorite books that eventually made their way to the big screen. Maybe you like a recent adaptation of a classic, like The Great Gatsby. Warner Bros.

What Are Your Tips For Getting Rid Of Junk In Your House?

Time to clean! One of my goals this year is to reduce the amount of things I own. Over time, I've accumulated so many trinkets, sweaters I hardly wear, and gifts I never liked but never got rid of. And living in a small apartment, I really don't have the space for all of the random things I've collected — but I'm overwhelmed by where to start. I also know other people who are motivated to get some cleaning done, so I need your help! CBC Television For example, do you have any tips for getting rid of clothes? Like, perhaps you have a set timeline for how long you keep certain items before donating them? E! Or maybe you have some general rules you follow for what you choose to keep and toss. Do you have a good way to clean out a junk drawer and then actually keep it clutter-free? Netflix What about pantry items, like all of the spices and

How Do People Eat Healthy Where You're From?

We’re so curious. For many of us, a "healthy meal" basically means a salad. Loooby / Getty Images But we know that in many countries or families hailing from anywhere other than the US, that's not the case. We want to know: What is your native country's example of a "healthy meal"? AKA, what image comes to mind when someone tells you they're going to eat "something healthy" for lunch or dinner? If you're from a Nordic country, is it a herring salad with sliced onions and pickled cucumbers? Elena_danileiko / Getty Images Or is it a moderate serving of pasta with a simple, fresh tomato sauce? Fcafotodigital / Getty Images Maybe it's callaloo, a Jamaican dish made by steaming the callaloo leaf?

Which Best Picture Nominee Are You?

Will you win the Oscar?

Does Your Kid Look Like A Famous Celebrity?

John Legend baby is a legend. Last year a tweet went viral about this baby who looks exactly like John Legend. Twitter: @MrMenziN I mean, it's uncanny. mrskrae / Via Instagram: @mrskrae And there's tons of other babies out there who resemble celebs. Like this baby who looks like Eric Stonestreet (or Cameron Tucker from Modern Family ). Twitter: @mckellm8 And this baby who is a mini Gordon Ramsay. Twitter: @Claire8ball So, we want to know: is your kid a doppelgänger to someone famous? Share your pics below via the Dropbox, tell us who your baby looks like, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post! Disney

What Tips And Tricks Got You Through Whole30?

I mean, other than coconut aminos. If you resolved to try out Whole30 this year, then you're probably at least halfway through. For those not in the know, Whole30 is a month-long elimination diet that removes certain food groups (like grains, dairy, and added sugar) and keeps the focus on others (like meat, fresh vegetables, and healthy fats.) After the month is over, you slowly reintroduce the foods you gave up. Whole30 devotees say that this process allows you to figure out exactly what your body likes and doesn't like — and how it reacts to everything along the way. And if you're at least halfway through — of, if you've completed Whole30 sometime in the past — then you've likely found a few tips to help you get through your cravings and turn you into a meal-prepping ninja. Tiger blood , anyone? Fox We want to know: What food tricks have helped make your

Answer These Six Questions And We'll Tell You Which Disney Character Was Based Off Of You

Are you Flynn Rider or Cruella de Vil?

Get Dressed For School And We'll Reveal Which Disney Character Is Your BFF

Dress for success.

Pick Six Pizzas And We'll Give You A Compliment

We’ll give you a little pizza our heart.

Spend A Lot Of Money On Clothes And We'll Tell You Which Color You Should Paint Your Nails

Choosing colors is hard y’all!

What's The Most WTF Thing You've Seen A Coworker Do At Work?

Work is weird, guys. Chances are, you've seen some weird stuff at your job. NBC Maybe you had a colleague who'd arrive to work, kick off their shoes, and proceed through the whole day barefoot for no reason at all. Universal Pictures Perhaps you knew someone who brought in a pet bird to sit on their shoulder one day...just 'cause? Logo And maybe you once witnessed a coworker drill down the sides of their cubicle so they could get a clear view of the office park outside, à la Peter Gibbons. 20th Century Fox